ترجمه مقالات لاتین 2016 رشته مدیریت: A model that connects information technology and hotel performance

ترجمه مقالات لاتین 2016 رشته مدیریت: A model that connects information technology and hotel performance

A model that connects information technology and hotel performance Abstract Despite vast investments in IT, there is scant research and empirical data that connects, in depth, IT with firm performance in the hospitality industry. However, the literature does show partial evidence and examples of particular technologies. After an extensive literature review, we posit four global paths through which IT can impact hotel performance and, for each one, the precise mechanisms that cause these influences. These four proposals are further developed and refined using in-depth interviews with a group of 30 managers of different areas from several hotels. A final comprehensive model that shows the specific routes that IT can follow in order to improve hotel organizational performance is presented. This model can be taken as a frame of reference by academics and can also be used by both practitioners and IT producers to assess particular IT options. Keywords Information technology, Hotels, Organ …

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